Food is not Medicine
Or is it? The article does not address the benefits of whole foods. However, it is good to see this subject matter becoming more mainstream. Don’t be misled by these food label tricks.
Or is it? The article does not address the benefits of whole foods. However, it is good to see this subject matter becoming more mainstream. Don’t be misled by these food label tricks.
Managing and living with diabetes is not easy. One must monitor their dietary intake much closer than the average person. Adjusting to a “diabetic safe” diet is quite a shock to most people, but the real shocking thing is that a diabetic safe diet is really a rather simple and healthy diet that is not […]
A current media blitz would have you believe that fructose, specifically high fructose corn syrup (HFCS for short) is not only “healthy in moderation” just like any caloric sweetener but is also chemically the same as table sugar to your body. Both statements are flat out wrong and misleading. Sort of like a publicists spin […]
There is actually terminology for it – CCD Colony Collapse Disorder. Something is killing the honeybees around the world. In the past, beekeepers annually lost between 5 and 10% of their colonies. In 2007 that number rose to over 13% and last year to over 35%. Everybody immediately thinks of honey when they think of […]
Just so everyone knows, it’s not the tryptophan in turkey that makes us so tired after our Thanksgiving meal. So, what is it then? We know that Tryptophan is an amino acid present in many foods. However, in no way does turkey have an unusually high concentration. In fact, many beans and even beef has […]